Wednesday, September 08, 2004

Buh Bye Frances, Not Nice to Know Ya

Tiger Battened Down the Hatches for Frances Posted by Hello

I know there are many people wondering how we fared with Hurricane Frances this past weekend. We are OK. We were very lucky. The storm came across the state so by the time it was here, it was a tropical storm with winds of 65 mph (if you haven't felt winds that strong, believe it or not, that's a pretty strong wind). We never fully lost power. I know there are many people out there who are still without power so we were really lucky. Also, we are up higher and not right on the water so we didn't have any flooding. Our new little oak tree got a workout and if it weren't for the stakes (which one did break) it would have toppled over. And we lost a few shingles. The people behind us lost most of their fence. But we were very blessed that we are OK.

This little storm really gave me an appreciation for what a storm can do. You wouldn't believe what a deep and howling sound the wind can make at tropical storm strength. It was frightening.

We are intently watching the weather now because Hurricane Ivan is out there and he as 145 mph winds. It just finished decimating some Caribbean islands. We are praying that this storm loses its strength like Frances did. That would be devastating where ever it makes landfall. I will admit I am scared. I think watching what happened this weekend was a reality check for many. I will always take these storms oh so seriously.

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