Friday, February 06, 2004

#@*&%(& Stop!

There's a great article in the Tampa Tribune today about the overuse of cursing (or cussin' if you were from the south). It was right on. It is about a gentleman who wrote a book back in 2000 called
Cuss Control: The Complete Guide to Curbing Your Cursing.

Author Jim O'Connor said:
"Swearing is so widespread now that it's contributing to the breakdown of civility and the dumbing down of America.'' I am inclined to agree.

How hard is it to use the same select word again and again to describe how you are feeling or what is wrong etc? It isn't. It is much harder to describe those things with real words that can evoke a message that is just as strong or even stronger, thus the dumbing down part.

"When you look past the bad language to what is being said, it's often mean-spirited and disrespectful,'' he said. ``It's the coarse, negative tone and the anger that's just as disturbing.

"Using the `f word' used to be a sign of ignorance and lowlifes, but now even presidential candidates do it,'' he said, referring to Sen. John Kerry, who used it in a Rolling Stone interview.

"There are so many other words that he could have used, such as `bungled' or `fouled- up,' to more effectively describe how he felt about President Bush's policy in Iraq,'' O'Connor said. ``Using the `f word' is just lazy language when there are so many words that are more effective to make a point.''

Amen brother! I understand there is a time and a place for everything, some people have forgot that. Dropping that kind of language anywhere and everywhere thus passing it on to their children and other people's children who may not approve of it. I also know that curse words slip out here and there, I do it. It's the people who can't figure out how to use a regular word to describe situations I have the problem with. Instead of "F-ing awesome!" try just awesome! Awesome by itself is a special word, it means "Inspiring awe." I know it is hard to break the habit, but it's worth it. Our children's literary, social and verbal futures are at stake.

You can read the entire story here.

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