Monday, October 04, 2004

Dirty Girls Makes For Great Reading

You'll Never Think the Same about Hispanic women/Latina's Again. Posted by Hello

I finished The Dirty Girls Social Club by Alisa Valdes-Rodriguez towards the end of my vacation. I am glad I had the chance to read this book. Valdes-Rodriguez is a talented writer who gives a group a women a voice that is desperately needed.
This book follows six Latina/Hispanic/Mexicana/Cuban women who met in college in Boston and continue their quirky friendship. Each of them comes from a completely different background and bring their own set of problems to the table.
Lauren is a reporter for the Boston Globe who is feisty but battling many demons and drinks to compensate. Sara is the Cuban Jew who seems to be leading the perfect life as a homemaker, but her husband is not who her friends think he is. Amber is the rocker who is looking to break into showbiz while at the sametime bring the Mexican cause front and center. Rebecca is the perfectionist who runs a successful magazine whose personal life isn't as ideal as she portrays it. Elizabeth is a local news anchor whose secret may destroy her career and her best friend. And Usnavys is the proud plus-sized women who can't see what's really good for her is in front of her face.
Lauren introduces them all and then each of the characters narrate their stories.
As mentioned before the author can write, and well. She is able to easily differentiate each voice, slow and speed up the pace and introduces many ideas that many be unfamiliar territory to many. Mainly reminding the reader that these women are all different as are those who make up the Hispanic/Latin/Caribbean/Spanish, ect. world. She looks to dismiss many of the stereotypes and does a good job of it without preaching to you. I may look for her next book Playing With Boys because I enjoyed her writing so much.

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