Tuesday, August 05, 2003

Weight Loss Dilemma

Man is weight loss a tough thing. You work out, eat less and barely the weight trickles off. And then, comes along a good friend who goes on the Atkins Diet and BAM! (yes just like Emeril) he loses 10 pounds in 1!! week! Just by eating meat, meat, cheese, some more meat and of yeah, some salad.

I was wondering what other people's experience with the Atkins diet was. Did you lose weight? Did you feel crappy while on it? Are there any fruits and veggies you are allowed to eat? My hubby did say something that has stuck in my head...If we could jumpstart the weightloss and got some weight out of the way it would be easier to exercise than it is now. And that does make sense. I'm not looking for an easy way out, just something to kick start me into a better healthy lifestyle.

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