Tuesday, December 09, 2003

Cool thing...

I had a cool experience last night.

Yesterday was a feast day in the Catholic Church so we go to Mass.
Our church has a Vietnamese mission attached to it and they use our building for a Vietnamese language mass. They are building a facility adjacent to our building where they will have a community center and such. But until then they are sharing our building. They shared mass with us. What was so cool was how it was mixed. The first reading was in English, the second in Vietnamese, two songs were in Vietnamese and two of the alter servers had traditional Vietnamese touches to their robes, beautiful red silken additions.
I thought the whole thing was cool. That the same mass around the world is being said in so many different ways. I addition, that evening we have a section of deaf people using sign language in conjunction. So all these elements are going on.
Thinking back I have been privaleged to meet Catholics from many different lands in the past six months. First their was a young priest from Poland, who just happened to be born in the same city as some of my forefathers, then the young nun who was from Ghana in Africa and then the Vietnamese families and clergy who came last night.
It really gave me pause. All these people around the world celebrating mass in the same way but at the same time using their culture to beautify it and make it their own.
Just really cool and I thought I would share it with you.

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