Friday, November 28, 2003

Finally Finished

Finished Reversible Errors by Scott Turow the other night. It took me a while. While it wasn't a huge book, it was on the dense side at times. I enjoyed it.


A grisly murder took place in the early 90's. The police fingered a man, got him convicted and he is getting ready to be executed. A lawyer is hired by the government to look into the case for his final appeals. From there the book is about the discoveries that will lead them to find if this is the real murderer or not. Lots of twists and turns and some surprises.

Now I'm reading A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens. I saw a book on my bookshelf that has 4 different Dickens books inside and I decided now was as good as ever to read this story. I have seen the movies many times but never got around to the book. So far it is good. It isn't easy being it's Dickens, but the descriptions are really great. Describing the chains attached to Scrooges partner and the sounds that they make. And bringing out Scrooges not-so-rosey personality. I think I am going to enjoy it. Will let you know later.

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