Monday, September 29, 2003

Movie Weekend

Friday night hubby and I stayed in and watched the Godfather III. We have had the trilogy for a while now and finally got around to watching this one. You know it's like 3 hours so you have to have actual time set aside.
It wasn't as good as the first two, being it was made so many years apart. But I did enjoy it. There was the intensity, the great music and Al Pachino (in my mind you can't go wrong with Pachino). Now there is the multiple hours of extras to watch.

On Saturday we saw Secondhand Lions. What a nice movie. Lots of great storytelling, a beautiful setting and superb acting from Michael Cain, Robert Duvall and a favorite of mine Haley Joel Osment. It is very funny at times and touching at others. I could see myself owning this one on DVD. I left the theater smiling.

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