Friday, April 06, 2007

Three Days of Rememberence

Catholics are in the midst of the Easter Triduum. That is the three days that lead up to Easter. Holy Thursday (the celebration of the Last Supper which instituted two sacrements of the church, the Eucharist - "This is my body, this is my blood" and Holy Orders "Do this in remembrance of me.") Good Friday, the only day of the year when no mass is said where the church grieves the loss of Christ - where there is no celebration that is associated with mass. And finally Holy Saturday - which culminates in the Easter Vigil, the most high mass of the year. Where out of darkness (mass cannot begin until the sun sets) a light comes forth in the form of Jesus' resurrection.

These are the most holy times for the church. Ancient traditions continue that have gone on for two thousand years such as the songs that are sung and words that are read.

Today we grieve, but soon we rejoice. Amen I say to you.

I believe.

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