Friday, May 20, 2005

A Haiku for Everything

This is the Haiku Dave sent me at 5:30 this afternoon:

Oh Saddam Hussein:
I LOVE those tighty whiteys!
As Paris says: HOT!

Just proof that there is a Haiku for every reason and season.

On another note, quitting this job has been kinda surreal. I am really starting to appreciate the people I get the opportunity to work with. There are some real class acts, some not so, but mostly great. I will miss them and the banter that is associated working here. But on the flip side, 12 paid holidays and a nice pay raise. I'll just have to hang out with my friends on the weekend.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Here's wishing you the best of luck in your new job. May the force (and power of a higher paycheck) be with you.