Friday, March 24, 2006

Babies and all their stuff

So I went to Babies r' Us tonight for the first time. Who knew there was so much stuff associated with something so small? And from being at that store you would think that women couldn't survive with so many things for their children. Whew. And why are such tiny clothing so expensive?

I don't know. The whole place was kinda just surreal to me. Any who....Happy Friday!

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

A Haiku

My allergies are killing me this week. Thus this haiku was born:

"Little fuzzy bits.
Flying through the air I breath.
I hate you damn trees!"

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Spring Has Sprung In Florida -- Aachoo!

So it's only the first week of March. I know the official beginning of spring is a little bit away, but here in Central Florida it'll full-on Spring. The weather is in the mid-70's, blue skies are overhead and EVERYTHING is blooming here. From the azaleas (which I wish I could have growing in my yard, but I know I don't have the right conditions), to the pollen hanging off the oak trees, to the impatience, Indian hawthorn shrubs to the snapdragons and amarylus. It's a lovely time to be outside. That is if you aren't bothered by the pollen. Down my street there are many oak trees so the streets are littered with the orange pollen and you can feel it in the back of your throat. But I guess it's the price to pay for living in paradise.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Memories, Just the Way We Were..

Sorry Babs, I had to borrow your lyrics. But it is appropriate. I was going through files of digital photos to send to be printed, yes I am really behind, and I had the best time. Reminiscing about some of the great times in the past few years. Here's a sampling..

Mmm! Chicken Paprikash! My hubby can cook!

Hey Amigo! We got robbed! Our chili was so the best. But heck, you look good in a sombrero!

There's pop with one of the Motter twins. He looks very natural. Hopefully one of those will be in our immediate families future.

Rows and rows of roses can't be bad. Lovely actually.

U-S-F! U-S-F!

Kathy's last days as a free woman. Yes, Kathy actually got married!

A peaceful evening on our block.

Alton Brown and I...soo cool!

Tiger the Cat digs the newspaper, laying on it that is.

I don't know why me and the sisters are laughing, but I'm sure it was good.

Skippy Simanoff, this Bud's for you!

Ahhh...a walk down memory lane is always fun..