Thursday, June 26, 2003

Anyone Want to Adopt a Chicken?

Story on the AP wire I saw this afternoon:
SAN FRANCISCO (AP) … A chicken that was strapped to 100 helium balloons and sent skyward last weekend in a stunt is resting these days at the city's animal shelter as people vie to adopt it.
The chicken, nicknamed Amelia, was rescued Saturday after getting tangled in power lines. A police marksman shot the
balloons with a pellet gun to bring Amelia down to safety.
Authorities said they have yet to identify the prankster, who was apparently imitating an ad that recently aired on a
local TV station. The ad has since been pulled. ""This is a great chicken, a friendly chicken, a chicken
that is ready for a relationship,'' said Kat Brown, deputy director of the shelter.

I just can't make this stuff up as funny as it really happens!

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